Groups and Filtergroups

docu tools Service Team
docu tools Service Team
  • Updated

Manual groups

Manual groups allow you to organize Pins by manually selecting and adding them.

Creatig a manual group

  1. Go to the groups list.
  2. Click on the New group button.
  3. Choose the option Group.
  4. Provide a meaningful title for the group.
  5. Click on Select Pins.
  6. In the pop-up, manually select Pins using checkboxes, and use filters for quicker selection.
  7. Click on Add selected Pins.

Manual group

Alternatively, you can add Pins directly to a manual group from the Pin list:

  1. In the Pin list, select Pins using checkboxes.
  2. Click the Pencil button.
  3. Choose Add Pins to group.
  4. Select an existing group or create a new one.

Adding and removing Pins from a manual group

  1. Navigate to the groups list.
  2. Open the desired group.
  3. To add more Pins, use the Add Pins button.
  4. To remove Pins, select Pins using checkboxes, click the Pencil button, and choose Remove Pins from group.

Copying a group

  1. Navigate to the groups list.
  2. Open the group to be copied.
  3. Click the button ....
  4. Select Copy group and provide a uniqe title.

Filter groups

Filter groups automatically include Pins based on selected filters.

Creating a filter group

  1. Navigate to the groups list.
  2. Click on the New group button.
  3. Select the option Filter group.
  4. Provide a meaningful title.
  5. Choose a filter for the group.
  6. Click on Save.
  • Pins matching the selected filter will be automatically added to the group.

HINWEIS: It is not possible to manually add or remove Pins from a filter group; it's based on the filter used during creation.

Filter group

Editing the filter of a filter group

  1. Navigate to the groups list.
  2. Open the desired filter group.
  3. Click the Edit button.
  4. Adjust the filter as needed.
  5. Click Save.
  • The Pins in the group will be adjusted based on the updated filter.

Renaming and deactivating groups

  1. Navigate to the groups list.
  2. Open the desired group.
  3. Click the ... button.
  4. To rename, choose Rename and update the title.
  5. To deactivate, select the Set group inactive option.

Alternatively, you can deactivate groups directly from the groups list using the provided checkboxes and the Pencil button.

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