Working with Teams

docu tools Service Team
docu tools Service Team
  • Updated

Keeping track of all the people involved in a construction site is a challenging but essential task. With docu tools, it is easy to assign tasks to individual project participants at the click of a button, regardless of time or location, online or offline. Assignees can independently and mobilely document the progress of their work without gaps and communicate with other users.

With Teams, you can easily group the members of your project into customisable teams and thus maintain an improved overview of what is happening on your construction site.

In addition, you can address individual tasks directly to your teams and thus, for example, assign a group of users combined into one trade at once. All members of this team are immediately informed about this assignment and can complete the task you have assigned. You receive a notification in the usual way when and by whom a task has been completed and can thus react without delay.

With your teams, you can assign tasks more quickly in this way, you prevent standing times and reduce delays, for example, in the case of sick leave or otherwise justified absences of individual employees, whose tasks can now be completed by any of the other team members.

Start using teams in your docu tools projects now and take the quality of collaboration and the organisation of your employees to a new level, making everyday life on the construction site easier and helping you save valuable time.


To open the Teams list view, go to the Teams section in the side menu of the project and then click on the second tab, called Teams. In this view all teams created for the project are visible. By default the view only shows the active teams. To view the inactive or all teams, change the quick filters under the tabs.

Teams list view

NOTE: - The role assigned to a team will give the team members the same edit and viewing rights as the normal project roles, described here. - You can add only members with the same role to the team. - You can invite only users, that are already invited to the projects as members.

In the first tab, is the Members list view. If a members is a part of a team, it will be shown in the Team column. Clicking on the team will open a detailed list view with all of it's members.

Each project member can only be apart of 1 team at a time.

Create a team

  1. Go to the Teams section in the side menu of a project.
  2. Go to the second tab, called Teams.
  3. Click on New team.
  4. Add a team title and a purpose (optional).
  5. Select the Role for the team.

NOTE: - The role assigned to a team will give the team members the same edit and viewing rights as the normal project roles, described here. - You can add only members with the same role to the team. - You can invite only users, that are already invited to the projects as members.

  1. Click on Create.
  2. In the next view you can select which members of the project to add to the team. - Optionally, ou can Cancel this step and add team members later.

Add members to an existing team

  1. In the Teams list view: - select the ... menu for the team, - click on Add members, - select members and click on Add.

  2. In the Members list: - select the ... menu for a member, - click on Invite to team, - select the team and click on Invite.

Edit team details

  1. In the Teams list view, select the ... menu for the team.
  2. Click on Edit team details.
  3. The title and purpose of a team can be changed at any time.
  4. The role of the team cannot be changed, if there are members added to it.
  5. To change the role of a team, first remove all members.

Remove users from a team

  1. In the Teams list view open the detailed list of users in the team, alternativeley click on the team in the Members list view.

Teams in members list view

  1. Open the ... menu of the user, you wish to remove.
  2. Select Remove from team

NOTE: If a user is removed from a team, they may lose the necessary rights to upload data to the server, resulting in an "Error" during synchronization. In order to prevent problems, please first contact the team members and ask them to sync all offline data on their mobile devices.

  1. Click on Remove.

Deactivate a team

  1. Open the ... menu for a team.
  2. Click on Deactivate.

NOTE: If a team is set to inactive, some users may lose the necessary rights to upload data to the server, resulting in an "Error" during synchronization. In order to prevent problems, please first contact all team members and ask them to sync all offline data on their mobile devices.

  1. Click on Set inactive.

Now the team is set to inactive and will not be shown in the assignees list, the members of the team remain active.

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