Deleting in docu tools

docu tools Service Team
docu tools Service Team
  • Updated

As a matter of principle, the general rule in docu tools is: Nothing can be deleted.

docu tools was created against the background of an airport project that had run into difficulties and the need for a digital solution for its construction documentation. The data created had to stand up to legal proceedings and this was - and still is - only possible if exact documentation is possible and errors or services already documented cannot simply disappear afterwards. This non-erasability provides documentation where every change is traceable.

Therefore, you cannot delete anything that you have entered once. However, you do have the option to disactive pins as well as other content. These will still be available in the background, but will no longer be displayed in current views and will not show up in any reports.

However, there are two exceptions:

  1. Empty folders (projects, plans) can be deleted. If there is data in a folder, you must move it to another folder. Only when there is no more data in the folder, it can be deleted.
  2. Contacts (not docu tools users) can be removed for privacy reasons. The exception to the exception: for assigned tasks, the name and company name will remain so that there are no gaps in the documentation already created. However, new tasks can no longer be assigned to the deleted contact.

Reports are a special case: Reports are images of data that exist in docu tools on the creation date. It's like looking into a box on a Monday and making a list of all the things that are in that box on that day. By Thursday, a few other things have been added to the box, so you make a new list. Since no things can be removed, you now don't need Mondays list - because Thursdays list is more current - and can throw it away. It's the same with reports. That's why they are only available for download for a limited time. If necessary, you can always create a new report.

Deactivate contents

For the different contents there are different ways to deactivate them.

  • Projects, plans: Click on ... and select Disable project/plan.
  • Pins: Select the pin status Inactive.
  • Tasks: Open the task, click ... and select Set Inactive.
  • Media, Files, Activities: Click on the Archive Box icon.

Delete folder

  1. Open the folder you want to delete.
  2. Click on All above the list to show inactive contents as well.
  3. Move all existing files (including inactive ones) to another folder by clicking on the ... and selecting Move.
  4. Select the destination folder and confirm.
  5. If the folder is empty, go to the overview. Click ... at the folder in question and select Delete folder.
  6. The folder disappears from your list. You may need to refresh your browser.
  7. If an error message appears, you have not yet deleted all data from the folder. Make sure that all inactive content is also displayed and move it as well.

Remove contacts

  1. In your project select Members in the left menu.
  2. In the list, select the Contacts tab.
  3. Click ... on the contact in question and select Remove.
  4. Confirm by clicking on Remove or Cancel, if you do not want to perform the operation after all.

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