Creating tasks

docu tools Service Team
docu tools Service Team
  • Updated

To create a task, you must have either the Admin, Assistant, or External Viewer role in the project.

  1. Open the pin in which you want to create a task.
  2. Click on '+ Add new task'.
  3. The task window opens.

Add new task

  1. The pin title is automatically taken as the task description to prevent empty tasks from being saved. Edit the description by clicking on the >. Describe the task in as much detail as necessary. Click on Save when you are done. You can also edit the description later if necessary. - The task status is automatically set to Open. The status cannot be changed during creation.
  2. Under 'Details' you can assign the task to another project member or contact. If you do not change anything here, the task will remain assigned to you.
  3. Set the due date by selecting a date in the calendar. Under the calendar you can also set a time. By default, 12:00 is set.
  4. Finish the task entry by clicking on 'Save'.
  5. The task will now appear in the pin view under Tasks. The + Add new task button is now located under the listing of tasks.

Add more information to the task

  1. Now open the task view via the arrow at the task in question >. Here you can now add further information to the task. - To edit the task description, click on the arrow >. - Notes and comments can be entered in the text field below. - Photos can be added by clicking on the 'Camera' icon. - Using the Open button you can reopen tasks that were closed by the assigned user. - You can close tasks using the Close button.

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